EdIlluminati Library

Frequently Asked Questions

With the exception of emails, which were obtained through public records requests/FOIAs, these files were created by the Partnership for the Future of Learning and its members (aka Partners). The EdIlluminati People Database was created by us, but the original list of people, when they joined the Partnership for the Future of Learning (PFL), and their current (at the time) organization and title came from multiple PFL sources (i.e. annual assembly participant lists).

Following many, many trails of breadcrumbs (but no hacking!) The Partnership for the Future of Learning is a massive, de-centralized coalition. Managing accounts and access for 800+ people across 400+ organizations is hard work. So they allowed access to anyone with links to their content and counted on people not discovering these links. Oops!

Always a good question to ask in a time when misinformation is very prevalent. As you download and review the files, try clicking on all the hyperlinks you see. As of May 2024, most of the links still work and you can see the original content for yourself. Eventually the Partnership for the Future of Learning will figure out their cybersecurity blunder and start locking down their shared, online content.

Yes, we’ve shared this material with the appropriate authorities. With that said, we encourage you to contact the appropriate local, state, and federal authorities if you identify any concerning or potentially illegal activities.

Absolutely! The more who become aware of the Partnership for the Future of Learning (aka EdIlluminati), the people behind it, and what they’ve been doing, the better!

In need of further clarification?

Struggling to find the information you seek? Let’s engage in conversation.
